Dekut - Grow Raised Bed Garden | Helping People Garden With Raised Beds Raised Vegetable Garden Bed can be installed quickly and easily within 1 HOUR! All Raised Vegetable Garden Beds come with detailed instructions that take guess work out of installation process. This small time invested in building your garden will pay back in abundant vegetable crops for years to come. Improve Your Diet And Your Health! Multiple researches at Ohio State University and Cornell University In New York showed that children who were involved in task of growing their own vegetables are FIVE TIMES more likely to eat them as well! If you have troubles making your little one eating Read More greens, give him trowel and send him in the garden.  It pertains not just to kids, but adults as well. When we grow our own food, we put our time and effort into it, thus making the final result more valuable and desirable. Also having fresh vegetables at arms reach makes it more available for use in daily meal creations.  Extend Your Growing Season… Raised beds are warming up and thawing out faster in the spring than the ground, giving you a certain advantage of planting your veggies a few weeks earlier. In the early spring just cover your bed with plastic, pin the sides down with bricks or boards( anything heavy will do the trick), so it doesn’t flop in the wind and leave it for a week. The plastic cover will also act as a weeds inhibitor. I would suggest using black plastic since it will burn out the weeds faster without disturbing the soil structure. When the time to plant comes, just take the plastic off and you are ready to set your vegetables. No Need To Cut Lumber With Dangerous Tools!… Kit includes everything needed for installation right out of the box! So you don’t need to be handy with tools or bother hiring  a handyman to assemble this bed. No tools required!  The Price Is Right!… Made out of solid wood,  this bed comes with the price tag of just under $50  including shipping charges. Tue, 07 Nov 2017 18:30:19 UTC en